Well it’s been a good bit of time since I’ve updated this! Pretty much due to lack of 3G coverage to send e-mails and then battery life, and then a lack of broadband on my rest day, dial up is hell!! Last Wednesday saw me finishing just beside Lough lee and enjoying a beautiful sunset below the surrounding wind turbines and their recurrent 'whoosh's.
The next day saw a long day of around 21 miles passing across the border on my way to Pettigo and after finally crawling into the small rather run down village, enjoying a lovely pint of Bulmers in the crisp evening sun. Pitching up a mile outside of Pettigo left me with 14 miles for the following designated days walk.
With another rather non-descript days of walking finished, I decided to investigate nearby Beleek, home to a pottery factory. Getting into the village was pretty easy, catching a lift on an empty school bus, however getting back to where i left "the way" was near impossible, with only two busses running through the village a day, heading the wrong way.
Finally I got back to where I wanted with my thumb up in the air and the help of a couple boys heading back to Enniskillen after a day at the beach. Climbing up the 'closed' path up the cliffs of Magho resulted in possibly the finest view in the province; showcasing Lough Erne, the Blue Stack Mountains, Donegal Bay and the Sperrin’s. Pushing further on showed the first signs of path building so far, with a plastic carpet (pictured) taking me to the closest forest track. I finally called it quits on a tiny pitch beside Lough Navar, and enjoyed another fine night.
The next mornings walk took me to Doagh Glebe and the days finish, however I continued onwards to Derrygonelly, to spend a couple of nights in civilisation with friends of the family. Nothing quite compares to a shower and a bed after a couple nights under "canvas". A day without walking and carrying a pack, and eating fresh food was well received.
2 hours ago
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