Monday 15 June 2009

Ulster Way Inspiration – I’m so Dave

Possibly the largest inspiration for walking long distance trails came from a not so well known man called Dave who walked the two far reaches of the British Isles, from Lands end to John O'Groats (LEJOG) for no apparent reason. He kept a blog while on his merry, and some times not so merry, way, and it must be one of the finest blogs I've read.

Take a couple minutes and watch the following youtube clip, and try not to want to do a long distance trail yourself!

Another great aspect is the music collection availible to download from his site, a song for each day of walking, which ranges accross a large number of genres. This became a favourite playlist for quite a long time, and is well worth the download, whether its legal or not.

LEJOG next years challenge maybe?

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