Monday 14 December 2009

The Alaska Mountain Wilderness Classic Adventure Race.... extreme!

I was having a quick look at hrxxl, a German lightweight hikers blog, and came across an interview with Andrew Shulkra a full time outdoor adventurer who since 2002 has trekked over 23,000 miles. Its an interesting article and well worth the read, discussing Andrews career so far, how he has achieved it and what the future holds for him. However, what really caught my attention was the video posted for the Alaska Mountain Wilderness Classic Adventure Race (below.)

The race must be one of only a few left that have next to no rules on the method of travel, organisers that openly admit no responsibility for you and a required kit list of only two items (a satellite phone and a inflatable raft) for a race that will last at least three days. Pretty crazy!

Its pretty incredible to see the type of rivers they their tiny used inflatable rafts for, it is truly a wild race. Andrew has written an article that can be read at, and it is definitely worth the read, if not for the lovely looking feet near the bottom of the page.

My feet have ended up in that state if not worse, and it is really pretty grim. I'm not surprised they didn't stop too often, as with feet like that getting going again is possibly the worst feeling ever.

2 comment(s) so far, add your thoughts -->>here<<--:

Anonymous said...

here's another YouTube video of the race:

Keith said...

Cheers for the link! Its pretty hardcore to say the least!