How envious your friends will be when you tell them how well you can perceive colour, or were able to before blinding yourself taking the test.

I believe that's enough procrastination for the mean time, back to the grind.

I am the combined effort of everyone I've ever known
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Now THAT was interesting! I'm pretty sure I don't have perfect colour vision (I seem to remember getting one of those colour vision tests very slightly wrong once). However, according to this I have perfect colour acuity. Result! (Good thing too when I've been working on getting good colour images all day long)
Hmm... I scored a shocking 35, in the male 40-49 "demographic".
I don't know whether to blame it on the uncalibrated laptop LCD screen or on the rose-tinted glasses :-)
Simon, well done you, and your eyes!! I hope the photos and the New Year are going well for you!!
Mentioning those books reminds me of a guy I knew who was adamant that although he was colour blind, that he was still gonna become a pilot. He believed, and was probably correct, that there was a limited number of colour blind test books. As a result he was going to buy every book and then memorise them entirely so that he could pass the medical. I have a feeling, however, that he didn't get too far along the pilot selection ;)
BG, I would blame it on the laptop ;) However, apparently there is a tendency for your capability to differentiate violet hues as you get older?
4 baby!! Yeah!!
I agree about the age/violet thing. I'm sure that the "decreasing maximum pupil size as you get older" factor doesn't help either, the smaller aperture leading to lower resolution.
I did well on the browns, probably due to a lifetime of being dropped in the cr@p. Age does have some... err... benefits :-)
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