"They would be useful right now" I here you say to yourself, well how about you get yourself a pair, not by going to a shop and buying them (which I believe might be nigh impossible in the UK) but by getting some short nails or screws and nailing them into the sole of an old pair of runners. Yes its crazy but from online reports it seems to work.
For the original source (as far as I'm aware) and a short instructable, check out The Sunday Adventurer. Originally seen on Kate's blog where she was putting them into both her runners and her crutches, eeek!

5 comment(s) so far, add your thoughts -->>here<<--:
trust the Scandinavian's to come up with a sensible solution. it's brilliant seeing how the homemade 'hobnail trainers' are spreading. enjoy the ice ;)
...also i think you've reference the wrong crumpet on flickr. that photos is adjustablecrumpet. and this is eggbeansandcrumpets. both crumpets no the less ;)
Do you think it makes the shoes more responsive, screwing them directly to your feet?
Still. it might make the tread on those XAs last more than a week.
Well spotted kate! usually check all the links, will suitably ammend it. Hope the leg is getting better!
Steve, I've heard that barefoot runners are just putting the nails/screws directly into their feet, it results in a more responsive run but adds a rather painful element as well ;)
I must admit that due to a lack of short nails/screws I haven't had a chance to butcher an old pair of runners yet. Can't see the addition of 2" screws ending too well.
Hi Keith, great to find a fellow Ulsterman blogging on the great outdoors...
Likewise Stuart!
If you hadn't realised, Simon AKA wandering photographer is also from Gods own country, and takes some very nice pictures to boot!
There's also quite a new forum for NI outdoors called NI Wild, give it a google if you're interested? They're planning on walking the Lecale way next weekend, however I'm yet to decide whether to join them or not!
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