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The Irish 4 peaks cover the highest mountain in each of the four provinces; Mweelrea 814m (Co Mayo) Connaught, Carrantoohil 1039m ( Co Kerry) Munster, Lughnaquillia 925m (Co Wicklow) Leinster and Slieve Donard 850m ( Co Down) Ulster.
Plan as it stands is to head off on Friday morning bag 2 peaks, drive to the next one, bed down for a couple hours, then up and down and on to the final peak before falling down in a big dirty heap. A couple of fish suppers and pints of Guinness might also make their way into the itinerary, but its still very loose at the minute.
I think I'll take my Holux M-241 GPS logger on the road and trail to keep track of how fast we get up and down the hills. Except for a couple of runs it hasn't been out too much, I'm sure the 700 mile round trip will remedy some of the neglect its probably feeling.
Theres a good bit to be done before we head off, top of the list being picking up the maps and burn off a couple of CD's for the hours of driving ahead of us. Time to go find some of the things needed for our adventure.
2 comment(s) so far, add your thoughts -->>here<<--:
Lovely picture (Where is it?)
Thoroughly looking forward to this trip report!
Looks knackering.
Ever thought of a nice dawdle for a change?
Its a view of the hills around Carrantoohil in Kerry. You can see parts of it in this video around the 6:45 mark.
A nice dwadle? I took the Ulster Way pretty easy I thought? ;-) Next time I'm in the Mournes it will probably be relatively relaxed, I'll get the camera out a bit more.
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